Location: New York, NY
Date Taken: Fall 2012
Camera: Rolleiflex 3.5F
Film: Ilford Delta 3200 (shot at speed)
Format: 120 (medium format)
Shutter Speed:
Development: AZ Photo Lab in Houston, Texas
Scanning: Scanned via betterscanning holders using an Epson v700 and Epson scan software.
Editing: Curves, levels, spot healing dust, and other minor adjustments were made in Lightroom. Photo digitally cropped.
Camera: Hasselblad 500 C/M
Film: Kodak Tri-X 400 (shot at box speed)
Development: Self developed in D76 1:1 for 6:30 minutes.
Details: Taken in San Antonio, Texas. 2013.
Location: Taken in New York, NY
Date Taken: 2012.
Camera: Rolleiflex 3.5f
Film: Delta 3200
Format: 120 (medium format)
Shutter Speed:
Development: AZ Photo Lab in Houston, Texas
Scanning: Scanned via betterscanning holders using an Epson v500 and Epson scan software.
Editing: Curves, levels, spot healing dust, and other minor adjustments were made in Lightroom.
Location: Taken in San Antonio, TX
Date Taken: November 2013
Camera: Hasselblad 500 C/M
Film: Kodak Tri-X 400 (shot at box speed)
Format: 120 (medium format)
Lens: 80 mm CF
Shutter Speed:
Development: Self developed in Kodak D76 1:1 for 9:45mins
Scanning: Scanned via betterscanning holders using an Epson v500 and Epson scan software.
Editing: Curves, levels, spot healing dust, and other minor adjustments were made in Lightroom.
Location: New York, NY
Date Taken: Fall 2012
Camera: Rolleiflex 3.5F
Film: Ilford Delta 3200 (shot at speed)
Format: 120 (medium format)
Shutter Speed:
Development: AZ Photo Lab in Houston, Texas
Scanning: Scanned via betterscanning holders using an Epson v700 and Epson scan software.
Editing: Curves, levels, spot healing dust, and other minor adjustments were made in Lightroom. Photo digitally cropped.
Camera: Hasselblad 500 C/M
Film: Kodak Tri-X 400 (shot at box speed)
Development: Self developed in D76 1:1 for 6:30 minutes.
Details: Taken in San Antonio, Texas. 2013.
Location: Taken in New York, NY
Date Taken: 2012.
Camera: Rolleiflex 3.5f
Film: Delta 3200
Format: 120 (medium format)
Shutter Speed:
Development: AZ Photo Lab in Houston, Texas
Scanning: Scanned via betterscanning holders using an Epson v500 and Epson scan software.
Editing: Curves, levels, spot healing dust, and other minor adjustments were made in Lightroom.
Location: Taken in San Antonio, TX
Date Taken: November 2013
Camera: Hasselblad 500 C/M
Film: Kodak Tri-X 400 (shot at box speed)
Format: 120 (medium format)
Lens: 80 mm CF
Shutter Speed:
Development: Self developed in Kodak D76 1:1 for 9:45mins
Scanning: Scanned via betterscanning holders using an Epson v500 and Epson scan software.
Editing: Curves, levels, spot healing dust, and other minor adjustments were made in Lightroom.